Blockchain Test of Private Test (POS) Configuration with Ethereum 2.0 Using Geth and Prysm
As the Tokens Defi adoption and non -preparation (NFT) continues to grow, demand for safe and decentralized blockchain platforms has increased exponentially. One of the platforms that have attracted significant attention is Ethereum 2.0, also known as Ethereum 2.0 or ETH2. This last iteration on the Ethereum network is based on the algorithm of the stagnation test consensus, which offers multiple benefits for the traditional work test model (POW).
However, setting up a POS -private blockchain with Geth and PRSM can be a challenging task for those new in decentralized information technology. In this article, we will go through the steps to set up the basic chain of a private block using the last implementation of Ethereum 2.0 and examine some restrictions and compensation related to this approach.
Previous requirements
Before continuing, it is necessary to be:
- Geth installation on your machine
- Installed prysm (Ethereum 2.0 Customer Library)
- Ethereum account (or access to the test network)
- Go and Rust’s Basic Information for Programming Languages
Step 1: Network configuration
To start you, you need to determine the network with Geth and prysm. Here is like:
// Create a new directory for your project
Mkdir et2 post
// Go to a newly created directory
// Clon GitHub's Ethhereum 2.0 Warehouse
Git Clone
Step 2: Turn and build PRSM
Install Go and Rust on your machine if you haven't done it yet:
Install Go (Go.exe)
Install the beer
Install rust (load)
Rustup init-fault-chicken night
Go toEth2-Posand turn the prysm directory using the following command:
Turn prysm with load
Build -Liibre location
Step 3: Set Geth
Create a new file calledGeth.jsonwith the following content:
"Grid": {
"Chainid": 4,
"Rencendpoint": "http: // Localhost: 8545",
"Networkid": 42
"Ethnet": {
"EthereaDdress": "0x ..."
This assembly file defines the Ethereum network with a 4 (POS) chain and RPC terminal for its local machine.
Step 4: Prysm starts
Complete the following command to start PRSM:
Start prysm in endless mode
./Prysm -Network = eth2 -pos -rpencencePoint = http: // Localhost: 8545 --- NetWorkid = 42 \
Chainid = 4-fromhemaddress = "0x ..."
Step 5: CONFIGURIOD to Geth
Create a new file calledGeth.jsonwith the following content:
"RPC": {
"Ethnet": {
"Ethereumaddress": ""
This assembly file defines Geth's local machine end point RPC.
Step 6: Starts Geth
Complete the next command to start your Geth:
Starts geth in endless space
Pos -detached block chain configuration Ethereum 2.0
To determine a private blockchain, you need to create a new wallet and create a private key. You can then use these keys to participate in the POS network.
Here is an example of how to create a new wallet with PRSM:
Create a new wallet with Geth
./Prysm -walletaddress = "..." -walletpassword = "..." -walletfile = "wallet.json"
Restrictions and Compensation
Establishment of a private block chain with Ethereum 2.0 may have rewarding experience, one must take into account some restrictions and compensation:
* Safety : Although prysm is a safe customer library, the underlying Ethereum network can still have safety disorders.